Running Wild

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How To Sit On The Floor

10 different ways that you can comfortably sit on the floor

You already know that we as a society sit too much. But being able to sit on the floor is a very important skill and alternative to sitting in a chair.

Sitting on the floor requires mobility, flexibility and strength. If you are reading this and you are under the age of 50 getting on/off the floor is probably no big deal for you. But as you get older, you find yourself less and less on the floor. And that saying if you don’t use it, you lose it, absolutely applies to your muscles and joints.

Sitting on the floor is not as comfortable as sitting on a big, soft, fluffy couch, especially if you have any tightness in your back, hips, knees, etc… So it will require you to shift your body and move to take pressure of certain body parts. If you are not used to sitting on the floor, figuring out different positions can be difficult, that’s why I came up with 10 different ways for you to sit on the floor. And really it’s more like 20+ ways, because I always recommend that your switch sides and you can also use props (such as pillows, poof, stools, foam rollers, etc) to elevate your hips and pelvis.

For any of these positions, if very uncomfortable or if you are not able to maintain a slight arch in your low back use, pillows, poofs, foam rollers, stool, etc… to make it more comfortable

If you find that sitting on the floor is uncomfortable and that you have to keep moving to different positions, that is a GOOD THING and that is exactly why you should be sitting on the floor!!! When we sit on soft cushioned couches our brain doesn’t get signals to move or switch positions. We can easily sit in the same position for 30-60+ minutes with out moving.

Hope this information helps you and inspires you to get on the floor more often!